Sabrina Budianto
Graphic Design / Digital Marketing / Social Media and Content Creator
your go-to Visual Communication Designer
Bachelor of Art achievements :
In 2013, the first winner for a short movie maker with 2 of my university friends, scale university's yearly event.
In 2014 win the most of favorite movie with 2 of my university friends in the scale of student activity, yearly event.
In 2015 win the best interactive media, the Adiwarna participant was selected from 200+ students and only 50 can participate in the event, among 10 categories, I win the best interactive media for making interactive books for teenagers.
Work-Related achievements :
PT. Toko Kiosk Bali / known as Pared Eyewear's office in Bali - Indonesia gives me a certificate of recognition in 2017 for Senior Graphic Design. Then, in 2018 I achieve as an employee of the year and become the Head of the Digital and Communication manager department for this company.
Master of Business Management achievement :
In 2019 I graduated with a certificate of honor with Gpa 3.74. My thesis topic related to digital marketing in the online shopping platforms, customer relationship marketing & customer satisfaction of buying & purchase decisions.